Beginning Reading Comprehension Exam for 2025
The National Latin Exam is pleased to introduce a new exam for 2025! The Beginning Latin Reading Comprehension Exam, together with the Intermediate and Advanced Reading Comprehension Exams, will complete the sequence of exams designed for those Latin programs which emphasize reading and active Latin in their classrooms. Like the intermediate and advanced levels, the Beginning Latin Reading Comprehension Exam will feature 36 questions instead of 40 in order to allow students sufficient time to read and understand two crafted Latin passages appropriate for the level, and will incorporate a few questions about language and culture in the context of the passages – no stand-alone questions!
Please feel free to send in comments and concerns about content and appropriateness for level. We also invite you to give the exam to your students as a field test, if you wish, and give us your students’ comments.
We look forward to serving you with this new exam as an option in 2025!