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Our publications, Three Decades of the National Latin Exam and Discitur Legendo, An NLE Latin Reader, are not available at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience!
J Donohue's Companion to Forum Romanum, John Donohue
Forum Romanum, videos in Latin presenting news from the ancient world.
A History of the National Latin Exam, 1978-present, exciting history of the NLE as written by Jane Hall and Ian Hochberg.
Forum Romanum Videos moved to the NLE YouTube Channel.
NLE Presentation ACL Institute 2015, Sue Robertson
Discitur Legendo, NLE Latin Reader Announcement and Ordering Instructions, Ian Hochberg
Mnemonic Devices for the Latin Classroom (revised), Linda Montross and Ian Hochberg
Forum Romanum: Organization of the Videos for Use in all levels of Latin, ACTFL, November 2014, Linda Sharrard Montross
Colloquamur Latine: Finding Success on the National Latin Exam's Oral Latin Questions, ACTFL, November 2014, Linda Sharrard Montross
NLE's Handout from the ACL 2014 Institute Session: A Range of Ideas and Strategies, Ian Hochberg and Patty Lister
Worksheets by Sally Davis: 2007 Indirect Statement, 2006 Worksheets addressing some of the most missed items
J Donohue's Companion to Forum Romanum, John Donahue
Access Database of NLE Test Questions, Ginny Greenland & Meredith Sitz, Bolles School, Access database of National Latin Exam test questions and answer set from 1978 to 2010.(zipped file)
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